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douglas says:ask me why i'm crying?
scott fraser says:why are you crying?
douglas says:Conan...he is Cimmerian. He does not i cry for him!!
scott fraser says:Stout Fellow!
cott fraser says:great line, isn't it?
douglas says:great film!!
uglas says:there is a lot of grunting
scott fraser says:yes. the first half of the movie is all grunts
douglas says:and flesh. I'd forgotten how much boob was in it
scott fraser says:they got their boobs out all over the place back in the 80's.
douglas says:i know. I watched Revenge of The Nerds the other night too.
douglas says:BOOB FEST!!
scott fraser says:thats a great film. I rewatched it recently. Pretty funny!
uglas says:it still oddly enough...slightly holds up
scott fraser says:i thought it held up well.
scott fraser says:Teenwolf holds up VERY well aswell (I think there maybe even boobs in that aswell)
scott fraser says:Teenwolf 2 does not hold up.
scott fraser says:I laughed crazily in Revenge of the Nerds when they did the panty raid and they're running thru the halls!
douglas says:hahahah
douglas says:yes that was great
douglas says:Teen wolf 2 BAD
douglas says:Ferris holds up
scott fraser says:YEP, watched it again the other night
douglas says:Flying High holds up VERY well
cott fraser says:Haven't seen Flying High in ages.
douglas says:and airport. Which from memory was like the sequel to flying high
scott fraser says:Saw a bit of Ghostbuster recently- GREAT!
douglas says:Ghostbusters is fantastic!!
ott fraser says:it is.
douglas says:so many great Bill murray one liners
scott fraser says:he was in is PRIME
scott fraser says:Caddyshack is great. Awesome Bill Murray and Chevy Chase!
douglas says:Ah yes. National Lampoon!! Vacation and Euro Vacation HOT!!
douglas says:AND BOOBS!!
douglas says:the first Police Academy not so bad. The sequels were dumb back then.
scott fraser says:i was wondering how Police Accademy would hold up.
scott fraser says:What i found with Teenwolf 2 was that it was just trying to replicate the first, but, y'know, with Jason bateman. Trying to hit the same beats, but it just fell flat.
douglas says:yeah. I haven't seen 2 in years.
douglas says:i didn't really like it back then
scott fraser says:I think thats what most sequels do. They aren't made to tell a new story, they're made to cash in.
douglas says:yeah.
douglas says:except the good ones.
scott fraser says:Name them- aside from Empire and Godfather2.
douglas says:Terminator 2
douglas says:Aliens
scott fraser says:ok. Pass and pass.
douglas says:Blade II
scott fraser says:Pass.
douglas says:Toy Story II
scott fraser says:pass- just.
scott fraser says:Breakdance 2- Electric Boogaloo.
douglas says:um....Conan The Destroyer?
scott fraser says:nope.
douglas says:i'm reaching
scott fraser says:Destryoer is pretty good, but it just dosen't have the emotional depth of the first.
douglas says:is destroyer the one with Grace Jones and Red Sonja?
scott fraser says:Grace Jones is in Destroyer, but Red Sonja is another seperate movie that Arnie is in aswell (but not as Conan)
douglas says:oh okay. Red Sonja.
douglas says:they all bleed into each other after a while
scott fraser says:haven't seent that in years. Can't remember what it's like.
scott fraser says:I always felt the premise of Red Sonja was a bit dodge.
douglas says:yeah i think it was a barbarian cash in
scott fraser says:Red sonja was from the Conan books. I think. She was definatly a Robert E Howard character.
douglas says:yeah. But the film i think was pretty weak. It came out around the same time conan was HOT
douglas says:are you coming to my PARTY!?!?!?!?!
douglas says:i might try and have films running on a big screen as it goes.
douglas says:Conan on our mighty WALL
scott fraser says:I want to and will endeavour to get there. You need me. The Party needs me.
douglas says:it's true. you are the party MAKER
scott fraser says:do i have to fight Matty and Monkey for the couch bed?
douglas says:they may or may not be coming.
douglas says:if they are...i think they will stay at Shanny and garths new place
douglas says:so it's ALL YOURS!
scott fraser says:Wahoo!
scott fraser says:poor little kids. They'll miss my bedtime stories. How will they get to sleep?
douglas says:they'll have drunken smackies next door to lull them
scott fraser says:garth and Shan?
douglas says:actually i'm not sure about the new place. No they're actual neighbours were smackies
scott fraser says:Ahhh how I love Melbs. So cultured and cosmopolitian!
douglas says:there will be LOTS Of people for you to impress too
douglas says:so DON'T EMBARRESS ME
scott fraser says:Oh, like whom?
scott fraser says:clients, professional peers?
douglas says:*__* might be coming
douglas says:*___* my friend from *__*
douglas says:*___*...a CLIENT
douglas says:the list goes ON AND ON!! B grade celebrity
scott fraser says:Oh- point him out to me. I'll go and talk you up to him. HONEST!
douglas says:hahahaha
douglas says:oh i will
scott fraser says:no you won't.
douglas says:"*___*? This is the gimp" i'll say
scott fraser says:you're afraid I'll EMBARESS YOU!
scott fraser says:....and justified.
douglas says:i have no fear.
scott fraser says:I may smear dip on his face and LAUGH!
douglas says:hahahaha
scott fraser says:then jump on the kitchen bench and dance like a fish!!!
scott fraser says:trust me. You NEED me at your party!
douglas says:actually i'd pay a small amount of money to see that
scott fraser says:Nope. Free.
douglas says:FREE!!
scott fraser says:All i need is some booze!
douglas says:nudie runs?
scott fraser says:nope. I don't do that.
scott fraser says:you SICkO!
douglas says:TOGA TOGA TOGA
scott fraser says:LOUIE-LOUIE. OH YEAH!
scott fraser says:For the right party vibe you need to play Animal House and bachelor Party.
douglas says:YES!!
douglas says:Animal House is a great movie
douglas says:i might have to go to JB and do some 80's movie purchasing
scott fraser says:hahaha! Any excuse!
scott fraser says:hey, btw, I'm using this as a post on diggsville. I'll cut out peoples names.
scott fraser says:what else do you want me to edit. You talking about boobs?
douglas says:no i love boobs.
douglas says:it's my schtick
douglas says:did you ever get to the end of the dwarf story?
scott fraser says:nope.
scott fraser says:I don't think i will.
douglas says:suspence!
scott fraser says:leave em hanging. Play the mystery card.