Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Harry Potter : A Movie review

Saw Harry Potter and teh Goblet of Fire last week.
I don't read the books- they be for kids. But I do enjoy the movies. They have a lot of flaws- owing to the book2film translation and the fact they're (in the past) kids movies- but i think I enjoyed this one the most. Possibly cos it was aimed at an older audience.
It's the same by-the-numbers plot. Harry bumbles through not having a clue whats happening- especially since each year there is some new tradition that EVERYONE else knows about- except Harry. Harry has challenges- cos he's Harry Potter, but he always comes out on top. There is an evil teacher disguised amongst the faculty.
Just like the other movies.

But despite some stilted acting from the main cast of children, I did enjoy this.

I am very intrigued to see how the overall plot will unfold, and I think Professor Snape is an excellent character! He was underused in this film- he kinda just waved around in the bgd looking suspicious at everyone. I'm told his character gets even more interesting in the following editions.

Having said that, there are some major elements about the whole Harry Potter thing that rub me the wrong way.
1. I don't like magic. In terms of Fantasy genre, wizards are my lest interesting troupe.
2. I don't like the English boarding school/private school mode of education. And for that matter- the bullying and laughing at others misfortune.
3. The silly "magical" things bug me. Stuff like the quidace (sic?) game and spending so much screen time on stupid lollies and silly magical do-dads that only slow down the momentum of the story.
4. The lack of Free Will.
Only those born (by random?) with the magic can be something truly wondrous, while those others (poor pleb humanity) will only be nothing but plain "muddles"- or whatever. It's all about the class system- and there's nothing ANYONE can do about it to rise above their station.
The house selection process- The hat chooses what house they go into, right? Everyone who goes to Sliveren are evil. Those that get into Griffadore are heroes. Once again- no free will and no chance of being other then what you are put into.
These are very young children we're talking about here- who, it seems, never even have a chance......


Anonymous said...

methinks u r a radical scotty. keep yr head down or it'll git knocked off - seditious liberalism is no longer tolerated...unless of course you are bonnie prince charlie...lead us scotty lead us to our doommmmm
robin ;>

Anonymous said...

Just watching the movies obviously is not enough to get the story. Many of your questions would be answered if you could be bothered READING.
Remember people who read - succeed!!!
Your friendly bookworm/librarian Iris
PS I cannot wait to see movie. Did not like the other movies that much, well compared to the books. Will go tomorrow after my last TAFE class!!!

The Frase said...

Iris- being a librarian and all, you would know that the Harry Potter books are written and aimed at children. What section would you put them in?

So why would I be bothered to read them?

And what use is a movie if it dosen't have the required stoy bits?

It's about storytelling, baby!