Monday, December 05, 2005

Johny Foreigner

The London Girl and I have a mission and that is to have amazingly great sundays. So far we've been doing most excellantly!!
I'll write about our sunday adventures soon, but I need a rest from the screen.
The above photo was taken at a tea room in Hamstead where all sorts of Euro-trash and upper class tweed wearing English toffs and Lords hang.

It's the perfect place for machivillian plotting and raising of ones eyebrows and displaying impressive facial hair.

It's going to be my local.


The Frase said...

We took a whole bunch of photo's!!

Also- Thank the London Girls photographic skills!

Also- Damn it, but you're right!! Being a foreigner to England, English isn't my 1st language. But at great expense I have fixed the error and flogged those responsible!

Also- Expect the Johnny Foreigner spoken word and fiddle playing album out by xmas!

Also- HOT!

Anonymous said...

hey, i'd shag ya.
tres masculine - huzzah for teadrinking.
make sure you drink tea with D - i need to know she's getting her fix.

The Frase said...

There will be NO tea drinking with D!

I'm putting her on a strict diet of beer drinking, meat eating and beatings!
Gotto cleanse her of all that touchie-feelie-lovey-vegetarian-hippy stuff she's been into lately!

It starts as of TONIGHT!

We're gonna meet up later on and try and find a place that will serve alcohal after 11pm in this god forsaken land!

Oh, and dp, you had your chance many, many, MANY times before I left the country.

But NO- you had (and still have) a boyfriend! So now, it is I who say NO to you!

(but send me Dave, and we shall shag. I like his impressive sideburns.)

And Doug, I forgt to mention before, at this tea house they employ serving GIRLS. They are Hungarian. Or French.

Anonymous said...

dave is fine - here is evidence:

and he's mine, all mine. in fact, more than enough man for anyone. certainly more than enough chop for any one.

The Frase said...

Dave is hot-as-chops!!