Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The following people can kiss my arse:

"Dr" Gillian McKeith.
Cormac McCarthy.

To be cont'd.


Douglas Holgate said...

But WHY?!

The Frase said...

Even without knowing the finer details- surely you MUST concede I am justified?

Douglas Holgate said...

I just googled the Doctor. And yes i agree.

Ikea...i've honestly NEVER had a problem. It's convenient eurotrash storage solutions and putting furniture together with pictures. How hard can it be?!

And Cormac Mcarthy...have you just read the book or seen the movie? (Cause i've done niether)

The Frase said...

Did you know that she's NOT EVEN A REAL MEDICAL DOCTOR??!!!

And in her shows she pokes through peoples TURDS!!!

IKEA can KISS MY ARSE! An how to survive IKEA guide is a post unto itself. Lets just say we had a bad experience the other week. We let it beat us.
And the pre-drilled holes did not MATCH up!
(But I am enjoying my new work desk!)

Read No Country For Old Men sometime last year and saw the film recently. Just finished another of his books last night.... and HE CAN KISS MY ARSE!

Just because you have really SHITTY endings and don't use ".."'s for dialogue DOES NOT MAKE YOU LITERARY!!
He reads like a poor-mans Elmore Leonard.