Thursday, September 20, 2007

Spring... it's here!

There were just two doves rooting in the tree outside my window.

Don't you love spring!!!

That real change in the seasons... where the cold and wet (sorta) slowly rolls into the UV baked, drought-ridden, dusty oven-like temperatures of summer in Melbourne.

Things are looking pretty good.
I've just handed in the first pencils of a cool project that I'm having fun with.
Drawing like a demon.
Got 2 new playlists that I'm cranking out. One rock, the other hip-hop.
About to head into town for a spot of latenight shopping. It's Ains birthday on sunday.
We're celebrating it down in Hobart. I'm heading down tomorrow for the weekend.
Got a new wallpaper courtesy of Jones and the his latest Wayward Cartoonist challenge for the HBO theme. (Mines a'coming!)

As the sun slowly sinks down outside I can still spy one of the doves sitting in the same tree.

Is that the afterglow I detect or are they contemplating the mistake they just made?

Wondering if the other will ever call them again?

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