Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Five-o busts ain't no thing.

I just came home from having lunch with a friend and as I was riding up to our driveway I saw a police van out the front with a uniformed cop standing there. I was about to ask what was up (even though I knew what they were doing) when he told me to step to the side.
Then a plain clothes cop walked our next door neighbour up the drive and into the panel van.
I was caught in between wanting to rubberneck and just leaving them all to do what they needed to do.
Our new neighbours are pretty rough. They look like old jailbirds. I have no problems with them aside from having to smell their stinky chain-smoking odor. They've been straight up with me and I've had a few chats with them and even helped them hook up their (stolen?) Playstation.
However the other (young ladies) neighbours don't like them much at all.

I've been watching a lot of The Wire in the last week and while I ain't no player and not in the game- Five-O rousts don't faze me much.
Speaking of The Wire, all the slums, projects and public housing developments remind me a lot of various places I lived in back in London (but with more flashier cars).
Do you remember when the London Police were using our flat as a stakeout? And that was when I lived in a half-decent neighbourhood.


Douglas Holgate said...

This is possibly the best post i've ever seen.

"Five-O rousts don't faze me much."


Jones said...

The Frase is el badARSE.

Cross him at your PERIL, Hellhammer!




Zot said...

Where are you up to with The Wire? I'm at Seaon 4, episode 8.

Oh, and when are you back from Taswegia?

The Frase said...

Only watched the first season and a few odd episodes that I catch on free to air tele.

And we got back last night!

Zot said...

The first season is ace. I'm still enjoying it in Season 4 though.