Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sat 19th April

Can you BELIEVE that April is ALMOST over??!!
Anyways... I made it home safely.... Don't worry Lyndall, I Bi-cycled home safely!!
To quote Egg-chan.. "It wasn't easy!"

I traversed the bright city lights and rode along Swanston St. PREVIOUSLY we went to check out the computer game exhibition in the city..... and then the BAR crawl....I followed some hippy chick who looked sober enough to navigate the crazy city streets but I had my come back if she decided to "diss" me on my "swervy" riding style.
ATLEAST I HAD MY LIGHTS ON, HIPPY CHICK! (Which she did not and I did).

There was a black hole in my trip where I can't actually remember which way I went but I DO recall passing a fellow bi-cycle rider and I was about to converse with him but he took an abrupt left-hand turn.

But thats OK, course by THAT stage I'd sobered up enough to ENJOY my ride (NOT sober enough to ride home SAFELY or LEGALLY ) but singing the QUEEN Flash Gordon soundtrack out loud certainly helped me get home!!!

I had to drop in to the BP petrol ST to get some Pringles for DINNER where I did CONVERSE with a smacky looking dude also on a bike. We exchanged glances and then shouted out "RIDE SAFE, BROTHER!"
Which, from memory, he gleefully accepted!
And then... and this is the BEST part... I rode round the corner (just moments from home).. and came across another female rider... with a GLEEFUL smile on her face!!!
I was about to greet her with a "RIDE SAFE, SISTER!" when I realised
SHE was MY Ains!!! Come out to meet me on the streets!!


How COOL was THAT??!!


dee said...

Hahaha... "RIDE SAFE BROTHER". Love it.

Jones said...

Pringles for DINNER?!

Anonymous said...

i think you are definitely heading for a mid-life crisis again, very soon.


The Frase said...

I made a few bad choices that night.
Having that 2nd martini on top of the 7 beers and no dinner was one.
Riding home was another, as was my DUBIOUS choice of dinner.

Then thinking that my evening would make a funny story AND writing about it when I got home may have been my biggest mistake.

Anonymous said...

regret is a form of humour, only one person has to suffer

as long as you got home safe enough to report it, otherwise i dont get to laugh at you and you dont get to laugh at yourself now ;>
