Thursday, January 05, 2006

The year that will be?

2004 was The Year of The Rage.
2005 was The Year of The Rad.

What will 2006 be The Year of..?

At the moment it maybe The Year of Righteousness.
Morally upright; without guilt or sin: a righteous parishioner.
In accordance with virtue or morality: a righteous judgment.
Morally justifiable: righteous anger.


Anonymous said...

2006 - The Year Of The Cad?

Only a suggestion but then what the hell - it seems to rhyme with the last ? As long as it's a natural progression, for it's rude to force the issue.

Anyway, excuse this worthless banter, I just had to celebrate finding Dougie's Blog by posting something, anything!

The Frase said...

Year of The Cad has a ring about it, but you are right. It's best to wait and see how it plays out.

My suggestion was written at a moment of moral superiority and a need for sobriety.

(Is that YOU, barry?)