Miss Mardi The Curatrix asked me to. And when she says jump- I jump!
You know the deal. Set your music player to shuffle, and the songs that pop up are the ANSWER to the following questions.
No skipping until a cool song comes up, this is what I got:
1. What does next year have in store for me?
Purest Love by Blackalicious
2. What’s my love life like?
Special Cases by Massive Attack
3. What do I say when life gets hard?
Underneath it All by Money Mark
4. What do I think of on waking up?
Cold, Cold Heart by Dinah Washington
5. What song will I dance to at my wedding?
How About You? by Oscar Peterson
6. What do I want as a career?
Horse Pills by The Dandy Warhols
7. My favorite saying?
King for a Day by Faith No More
8. Favorite place?
1979 by The Smashing Pumpkins
9. What do I think of my parents?
Sista Rebecca by Jimmy Smith
10. What’s my porn star name?
Big Spender by Peggy Lee
11. Where would I go on a first date?
Diga, Diga Doo by Artie Shaw
12. Drug of choice?
I'm Sitting on Top of the World by Bobby Darin
13. Describe myself:
Surrender by Elvis Presley
14. What is the thing I like doing most?
Evidence by Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers
15. What is my state of mind like at the moment?
Tangled up in Plaid by Queens of the Stone Age
16. How will I die?
Chinatown, My Chinatown by Slim and Slam
Now it's YOUR turn!
In other news I'm a bit bummed out as I've been locked out of my Flickr account! I can't remember my yahoo email details as I only used it to get onto Flickr. I can't remember the password, if I used a real D.O.B when I registered or even what country and postcode I used when I signed up. (Was I in Hobart OR London??) All the information I need to log in. I was going to upgrade to a Pro account too.
In todays modern internet world there's TOO many passwords etc to try and keep track of. Between my normal hotmail address, the internet provider account, my pro-website account, the gmail email for Blogger, the LJ, the MySpace, the Facebook, the Flickr, the LinkedIn, the internet banking, the Frequent Flyers account, the Red Bubble and the numerous discussion boards account details..... HOW am I meant to keep track of it all???!!!!
Sometimes I yearn for a simpler time!