Friday, July 27, 2007

Sober thoughts.

I'm sitting here at my laptop, with a drink of water in my hand.
Now normally I'm prone to rant on my blog while I've got some alcoholic beverage in my hand. Maybe a beer. If it's late at night chances are it's a scotch.

BUT even though it's friday afternoon and FAST approaching Beer O'clock- I'm drinking my 2nd pint glass of water.

Maybe it's because I've just gotten in from riding my bike into the city (30 mins each way)- or maybe it's because we don't have any beer in the house.

ANYWAYS.... here are some random thoughts.

1. Comic shops suck! Comics suck! I went into Minatour here in Melbourne for the first time in months. I also purchased a comic for the first time ALL YEAR (the latest Dee Vee). Not quite sure why I came away with such negative feelings. Maybe it was the foul body odour of some of the people in the store, or perhaps it was the shit comics available. Actually there were a handful of comics I saw that I wouldn't mind reading- but not buying. Especially when the comic prices were double the US cover price- EVEN THOUGH the Australian dollar is doing so very well as the American dollar. WHAT'S UP WITH THAT??!!

2. Deadwood season 3 is out on dvd. Costs $50. I almost bought it, and am now wishing I did.

3. There are lots of fucked up people in Melbourne.

4. I enjoy my local library. I went in on my way home and picked up a large swag of goodies. Walter Mosley novel, 2 cds (Duke and a Sidney Bechet which I'm quite digging), a bunch of dvd's ( Vietnam- that old Aussie tv series with Nic Kidman, Crocodile Hunter movie and a BBC best of wildlife doco) and a graphic novel. I've steadily been going through the libraries collection. I love being able to read these shitty comics without having to blow my money on them. It's also good as the clear contact them- so they don't get too fucked up when you throw them across the room in disgust.

5. For the first time in years I've been sketching and doodling for my own enjoyment. I cannot remember the last time I sat drawing while watching tv. And it's for my own pleasure! The problem with this burst of creativity is now I've got schemes building up and the problem with that is if you have to many balls in the air- you end up not getting any of them done. So I'm trying to keep it simple and achievable for now.

6. It takes 3 pages on Google image search "Scott Fraser" before you come across anything about me. And then nothing for the next 10 pages. (I got bored and gave up).

7. My two younger brothers are coming down from Sydney to visit next weekend and I'm not sure where to take them. It's not as if Melbourne has great scenic tourist attractions. There's plenty of great bars and restaurants- but not much else!

8. I might be heading up to Sydney the following weekend to, amongst other things, play paintball with the brothers.

9. I really feel like a beer now.

Monday, July 23, 2007

'Arry Potter

On saturday we were in Kmart buying a new kettle and I walked past the display for the new Harry Potter book.
I picked up a copy and turned to the very last page. I read the page and put the book back.

So.... I can tell you who DOES NOT die.

Also, the very last sentence that finishes up the entire series?
-Isn't very good.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

New website

I've given my website a complete extreme makeover!

I couldn't really justify having a Flash website anymore, and for what I had in mind I set about trying my hand at creating a site with Dreamweaver. Haven't looked at that software in years.

So go and have a play! Let me know if you come across any problems with it!

There's also some new work up there that you might not have seen before!

(now that I've gotten my website out of the way I'll get about to writing more here!)

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Just went and added photos to my previous post about our arrival.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Just a quick note to say we're back in Melbourne now. Arrived early yesterday morning and hopefully we should be resonably jetlag free- due to our 4 day stop over in Bangkok.

Had an ACE trip.

It's nice to unpack the bag and not have to repack it tomorrow, have clean clothes, not have to spend half of tomorrow jumping on buses, trains, plans and taxis. It's nice to be able to drink the tap water.

However the open road is a powerful drug- so we'll soon see how long it takes before I get bored here.

Travel stories to come.

By the by, you can get me on FACEBOOK. It's all the rage over in Europe. Still getting my head around it- but so far it seems alot nicer to use then My Space.