Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Well Pleased!

It's been awhile since there's been a drunk ramble here, and in lew of anything really dirty, newsworthy and SIN-tilating to report I thought I'd better get on the booze and get a ramble happening!Infact the interweb in general has been a bit quiet of late. (Many, MANY things seem to be afoot though. So thats The Frase tip. Keep your ear to the ground. Things be illin' and stealin' on a WORLD-wide scale in the coming weeks!!!)

I've come down with a cold the last week so have refrained from the debaucherous party lifestyle of which I was accustomed too. And the week before that, for some crazy, puritian need, i gave myself the challenge of having a "dry" week.
So it's been a tad quiet in the Casa Del Frase.
Just been plotting a hell of a lot.

Oh yes!

But today I had a good day. Too para-phrase Ice-cube (anybody seen XXX2 yet?), "I didn't have to pop a nobody today!")
I instead had a very great lunch with one of my favourite babes. We had a great cafe lunch and coffee in a record store where we spent a few hours talking, gossiping and laying our Machivillian plans for Hobart. If we were a movie, we'd be Glenn Close and John Malkovich in Dangerous Liaisons. Lust. Seduction. Revenge. The Game As You've Never Seen It Played Before.
Rich and bored aristocrats in Rococo France (Hobart, Tasmania) play high-stakes games of passion and betrayal.
I had a nice Chicken Burger. She had a nice chicken salad. Then we browsed the cds.
I want to buy the new Nine Inch Nails album, the new Gorilazz, the new White Stripes and the 2nd Black Grape album!!
Then I hit home where i think I did some more drawing and some housework. Then I cooked dinner, watched Home and Away, and called my mum!

THEN I went to my favourite bar with my mate where we had manly chats about life, music, art and chicks. Over gin martini's.
Our regular barman, Joe wasn't working so it was an expirement to see if these other barstaff had the goods. Pleased to say they did.
Some mighty fine beverages were had!!

Anyway, I'm off to Melbourne in a few days.

I think it'll be like a bar mitzvah. Or a Bris. But hopefully Holgate won't get his La Laa out. I've had enough of THAT for a lifetime!!



Anonymous said...

now that i've met douglas, this picture TOTALLy is him!
draw me, draw me!

The Frase said...

Ok D.P.
You'll get one for your 30th!

Anonymous said...

so, like you _owe_ me one, what with being over 30 and all...?